Our primary election day is June 7 but you don’t need to wait until then to vote. Ballots have been mailed to every registered voter. If you have not received yours you can track it here https://california.ballottrax.net/voter/
There are many ways to vote in this primary!
-Mail in your ballot
-Drop your ballot in a drop box – location finder: https://locator.lavote.gov/locations/vbm?culture=en
-Vote early or on June 7 at a location near you – location finder:https://locator.lavote.gov/locations/vc?id=4269&culture=en
This is a primary but for many races, including the office of Mayor of LA and City Council office 13 (representing Windsor Square) if a candidate has more than 50% of the vote they win and there will not be a November election. If no candidate gets over 50% then the top two candidates will have a run off in November.
Now is the time to research the candidates and vote for the one you feel will bring the changes you want to see in our community.
LA Voter information https://www.lavote.gov/home/voting-elections/current-elections/find-my-election-information
Here is a recording of the CD13 candidates forum https://windsorsquare.org/recording-of-the-cd13-candidate-forum-april-4-2022/
Mayor of Los Angeles
A good link with information on each candidate. https://laist.com/news/politics/2022-election-california-primary-los-angeles-mayor?gclid=CjwKCAjw4ayUBhA4EiwATWyBrqMu_tz4MEI2Xfa7SXJ2QQ7j–MjYbn1HRN2johtAqU-AHBLuXK-6hoCzKAQAvD_BwE