Urban Forestry and Arborist Resources

Tree Care

Please view The Windsor Square Tree Information Tree Packet for information on tree care. Remember, newly planted trees require special care; and never remove or plant a parkway tree without a city permit. You may obtain a tree planting or tree removal permit by calling the Los Angeles Bureau of Street Services, Urban Forestry Division at (213) 847-3077.

Bureau of Street Services Tree Division

To request service from the Bureau of Street Services, please call 311 and request to speak to Street Services or (800) 996-CITY (2489). The Bureau also accepts requests via TDD (213) 473-6600.

When requesting service, please be prepared to give the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your business or home phone number with an area code and/or address (in case further information is needed regarding the request)
  • Location of the problem: The address where the service is needed and any additional information that will assist in locating the problem (Example: intersection of, alley behind, in front of, etc.)
  • Brief description of the problem. Describe the nature of the problem (Example; pothole, downed tree, etc.)

LA City Online Resources

Certified Arborists (pruning, disease, pests)

WSA Publications

The Windsor Square Tree Information Packet is available online as a PDF file and is free. Click the above link to view or download the document (requires Adobe Reader).

The Windsor Square Master Plan of Parkway Trees is available online as a PDF file and is free. Click the above link to view or download the document (requires Adobe Reader).

The Trees of Windsor Square is available online as a PDF file and is free. Click the above link to view or download the document (requires Adobe Reader).

Please contact canopy@windsorsquare.org with any questions or problems you may have regarding your parkway trees.

LA City Parkway Landscaping Guidelines

Residential Parkway Landscaping Guidelines Pamphlet

2015 City Letter on Residential Parkway Landscaping