Block Captains

A strong Block Captain network has always been one of our best crime-fighting and community building tools. The goal of the block captain network is to foster neighbor-to-neighbor communication about safety and crime issues and other important neighborhood concerns in Windsor Square. 

How it works:

  • Residents of a block give their contact information to their block captain who maintains a list of everyone on the block. The primary form of communication is email. 
  • Residents alert their block captain via email of crime events or public safety concerns. The block captain forwards this information to the WSA Block Captain Chair. The WSA chair uses this information to create public safety alerts that are emailed to block captains who then forward it to everyone on their block. NOTE: Any incident of crime or suspicious activity should be reported to the LAPD! Emergency issues such as a crime in progress should be reported via 911. Non-emergency issues can be reported with a police report for a crime that has taken place or, for non-emergency public safety concerns, with an email to Windsor Square’s Senior Lead Officers.
  • The WSA Block Captain co-chairs are in touch with our Senior Lead Officers at LAPD and aim to create fact-based alerts based on information from residents, block captains, the LAPD and private security companies. 

All Windsor Square residents play an important role in our block captain network!

  • Know your block captain

Make sure they have your current contact information. Stay in touch with them about any crime event you experience or to share concerns about your street. They can provide you with a block roster list so you can stay in touch with your neighbors. 

  • Get to know other residents on your block

This is our most valuable tool for both crime prevention and emergency preparedness. Many blocks gather in person or via zoom once a year. The block captain often organizes this event but collaboration is a great way to make it easy on everyone.  

  • Consider volunteering to be a block captain 

Many of our blocks still need a block captain. Responsibilities include maintaining a block roster, forwarding emails, welcoming new residents and fostering a strong block community. It is a manageable job with some tools in place to make it easy and optional zoom gatherings to connect with other block captains.

Block Captains are an essential part of the Windsor Square Association and we celebrate their contribution annually with our Block Captain Dinner. 

Not sure who your Block Captain is?  Have questions about getting involved? 

Email Angie Szentgyorgyi and Tracey Durning, Block Captain Co-Chairs at