The Bureau of Street Services is conducting a “Neighborhood Council Blitz” to identify and perform small repairs on our needy neighborhood streets. On June 24th, 2014, a Small Asphalt Repair truck is scheduled to be in the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council area to perform repairs to the roadway, curbs, and sidewalks, weather permitting.
The repairs will be limited to 15 addresses, so it’s important to prioritize our trouble spots. Please help by sending photos, addresses and information about the spots most in need of repair to the GWNC’s Transportation Committee at
Committee representatives will collect the information and send it to the BSS staff, so they can inspect the desired streets and determine the need for repairs and feasibility of completing the work on the scheduled date.
Please submit your requests to the Transportation Committee by June 15th at 12:00 p.m. so we can forward our neighborhood list to BSS by its June 16 deadline.