The work of the City Council Redistricting Commission resulted in a proposed new district map, map draft K 2.5, that places Windsor Square and almost all of the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council in Council District 5. This proposed map is the result of months of public input. We feel this redistricting scenario is a positive outcome for Windsor Square and our neighboring communities.
Last Tuesday City Council president Martinez and Council Members Krekorian and Raman, unhappy with the results of the Commission, proposed creating a new Ad Hoc Redistricting Commission. This ignores the ongoing transparent process of the Commission that included input from over 12,000 Los Angeles residents.
Call to Action:
We are asking Windsor Square residents to join us in supporting the work of the City Council Redistricting Commission. Their proposed new districts are a result of the many emails and calls from our residents these past months.
We hope you will join us in telling the City Council to stop interfering with the Commission’s transparent process.
Please act now. A sample letter is below.
The Commission will present their redistricting plan to the City Council next week on November 2.
Subject: Support the Redistricting Commission
Dear Council President and Council Members,
I am a resident of Windsor Square, which is a neighborhood located in Greater Wilshire. I have followed the City’s Redistricting Commission process closely. I strongly protest this week’s motion by Council President Martinez and Council Members Raman and Krekorian. Adoption of their motion would inexcusably denigrate the months of transparent work by the City Council Redistricting Commission. The motion calls for a new self-interested City Council committee to rewrite the redistricting plan. Common Cause calls this attempted manipulation corrupt. The Commission’s efforts were conducted in full public view and with unprecedented public input and participation. As the Commission’s redistricting map moves to the City Council for final approval, you should conduct your review with the same transparency and public engagement that lifted the Commission and all of us. Redistricting exists to protect communities, not to protect the reelection of existing City Council members or to allow them to gerrymander the City to favor the election of their partisan friends. We support the Commission recommendation, and we urge you to do so, too. Thank you.
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