Frequently Asked Questions
How do I obtain speed bumps or stop signs for my street?
Both stop signs and speed bumps (more accurately called “speed humps”) are under the oversight of the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT).
The process for obtaining either is lengthy and the LADOT reserves the right to determine which remedy for traffic congestion or speeding is appropriate (in other words you may ask for stop signs and be offered speed humps).
Requests should be submitted to the LADOT Hollywood Wilshire District Office:
7551 Sunset Boulevard
Hollywood, CA 90046
Remember to highlight any safety issues. And it is always best to copy your city councilperson’s office on any letters you send.
LADOT engineers will perform a survey on your street. If they determine that some remedy is in order, you will be asked to collect signatures on a petition in support of the change from the people on the block in question. 75% must support the change in order for final approval to be granted.
For more help with this issue you may find the following contacts useful:
Los Angeles Department of Transportation
General Information/Complaints
Neighborhood Traffic Information Line
I’d like to have a block party. How do I get started?
To have a block party you will need insurance and a permit to close your street.
The insurance process can be more complicated, so it is recommended that you begin exploring these options first. You can obtain insurance either by having a rider attached to your existing insurance policy or by purchasing event only insurance from Municipality Insurance Service – 1-800-420-0555. Be advised that if you elect to use your own insurance there will be forms the city requires your carrier to fill out.
To obtain the necessary permits to close your street, contact the Los Angeles Bureau of Street Services-Street Use Inspection (BSS-SUI) at 213-485-3711 and ask for the street closure section. You can also obtain the permit applications at
It is possible to have some of the fees associated with the permit process waived by asking your city councilperson to make a motion in council. Contact Council District 4 at 213-485-3337 for more information. The costs associated with insurance cannot be waived however.
One of my neighbors seems to have a good deal of filming at their house. What can I do about it?
First you can establish if they have a permit to film. FilmL.A. handles all on site filming permits in Los Angeles. And the production company must be prepared to produce a copy of the permit upon request. If the filming is not permitted, the police should be notified.
If the filming is permitted but excessive you can register a complaint with FilmL.A. They can be reached at 323-957-1000 or at And if your property adjoins the property where the filming takes place, generally the production companies are required to get your permission as well. Remember – you are not obliged to give it.
The streetlight outside my house is burned out. Who do I call?
Contact the Bureau of Street Lighting at 800-342-5397 to report burned out or damaged lights.
They are not and there is nothing the Department of Building and Safety can do to make an individual construction job, assuming it is properly permitted, go faster either. It is best to try to maintain a live and let live attitude when living next to a house undergoing substantial renovations.
Safety issues, of course, are another matter. Homeowners doing work on their house are not allowed to let construction materials and other debris accumulate to the point where they present a public hazard.
You can call the DBS Call Center at 1-888-524-2845 for more information.
I don’t like the tree planted on the parkway in front of my house. Can I change it?
The short answer is no. Technically the parkway in front of your house belongs to the city of Los Angeles (although you are expected to maintain it).
Within Windsor Square, a master tree plan has been developed to determine what species can be planted on each street. If your tree doesn’t conform to this plan, it may be possible to replace it with a conforming one by obtaining a permit from the Bureau of Street Services – Street Tree Division. Be advised, though – BSS – Street Tree is rarely willing to issue a permit for the removal of healthy mature trees, regardless of the species.
For more information about the street tree plan and obtaining street trees, visit the Canopy section of this site.
What’s the story with the guys painting my curb and then asking for money?
Anyone may paint his or her own curb, but an organization or individual doing this as a business must obtain a permit from the Los Angeles Bureau of Street Services-Street Use Inspection (BSS-SUI). Our understanding is that most people doing this work in Windsor Square (and citywide) have not been properly permitted.
You are not under any obligation to pay regardless of whether the person requesting payment is permitted or not. If you have any questions about a particular group or individual and especially if you feel you have been harassed, you can file a complaint which Street Use will investigate. Please call 1-800-996-CITY.
Can I attend a Windsor Square Association board meeting?
WSA Board meetings are open to all neighborhood residents.
The meetings are usually held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30PM at the Marlborough School at the corner of Rossmore and Third.
That’s easy – join the Windsor Square Association. The WSA is always looking for new people to serve on its various committees. And there’s always plenty to do!