The following is the Windsor Square Association monthly column published in the Larchmont Chronicle, written by WSA Board Member Margaret Hudson.
Neighborhood friendly filming policy
Have you seen Hollywoodland, the new movie for which some of the scenes were filmed here in Windsor Square! The Windsor Square Association encourages motion picture, television and commercial filming in our neighborhood as many of our residents, the local workforce and the city of Los Angeles enjoy the economic benefits from these productions. We also encourage that all filming occur with respect for your surrounding neighbors. If you are planning to do filming, either a commercial or full feature, please talk to them about a possible conflict. Please note the guidelines listed on the Windsor Square Association’s web site
Street Lighting
The Windsor Square Association hosted a community street lighting meeting for the Windsor Square and St. Andrews Square areas on August 16, 2006 at Marlborough School. Tom LaBonge and other city officials joined the many residents in attendance to hear an excellent presentation on the history of lighting in these areas, problems, proposed solutions and the benefits relating to improving our local street lighting. A map was presented where a committee comprised of local residents have proposed lighting improvements of 206 new, replacement, or additional concrete street lights. Next steps involve the Bureau of Street Lighting who will conduct a straw poll of the property owners, followed by an actual mail-in vote of the owners if enough strong interest is demonstrated.
Historic Preservation Overlay Zone Signs are up!
Have you seen the new beige colored signs at the corner of Arden Blvd & Beverly Blvd? or Van Ness Ave & Beverly Blvd? or 3rd St. & Van Ness? The city has placed 9 new “Windsor Square Historical Preservation Zone” signs throughout Windsor Square. We were the 21st Historic Preservation Overlay Zone to be designated in the city.
Graffiti in our neighborhood
If you experience a problem with graffiti on your property you can call the City of Los Angeles phone number at “311” and ask for assistance with graffiti removal. The City of Los Angeles link for graffiti removal request form is: