The following is the Windsor Square Association monthly column published in the Larchmont Chronicle, written by WSA Board Member Fred Rheinstein.
Sometimes competition is a good thing
Residents of Windsor Square have recently been heavily solicited by a security company, SSA Security Group who seek to provide a broad range of neighborhood patrol services. They are entering territory long “owned” by Westec-ADT – Bel- Air Patrol. The competition has begun and the first result is that ADT has added another patrol car!
Recent and worthy of mention
The WSA was instrumental in the placement of a (handsome) trash can at the bus stop on the Southwest corner of 3rd and Larchmont. Although they did not buy and pay for it, they may become responsible for the cost of maintaining and discarding its rubbish. When members toss their trash, they should not only feel worthwhile, but proud.
If you want more of the same happy feelings, your WSA has agreed to continue responsibility for maintaining the Larchmont Boulevard median strip between 1st and 3rd Street. (So, as you travel south, just hold on to the garbage until you get to your very own trash can on 3rd).
The Van Ness Park is not only looking spruced up and spiffy, but has new playground equipment to help make it one of the best neighborhood parks in the city. Not only was the WSA an advocate of the upgrade, but was actively involved.
A good thing
Kate Badami was invited to join the board of this August body; she accepted!
And another
Frank Badami (related) reports that documentation required to list the threatened 525 South Van Ness property as a historical-cultural monument has begun. If successful this will make it increasingly difficult to build and sell additional new houses in the back yards of existing homes in our district.
The Jury’s out
Despite well – articulated arguments to the contrary (presented by the WSA, the GW Neighborhood Council, amongst others) the LAPD has split Windsor Square down Plymouth Boulevard, creating the boundaries for the new Olympic Division and the revised Wilshire Division. (For the new boundaries, see the map published elsewhere in the Chronicle.) The decision to alter the long-standing infrastructure has been presented as irreversible – so, let’s live with it and try to make it work. It would certainly seem the LAPD has some outreach and missionary work to do in meshing with their new constituencies. The WSA says let’s reach out to them to help facilitate good policing. If that doesn’t work, we can always apply pressure later.