The Trees of Windsor Square

Trees clean and cool the air.

  • Remove carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.
  • Provide shade, moisture, and windbreaks.
  • Decrease energy used to cool and heat homes.
  • Trap dust and pollen.
  • Reduce storm run-off and prevent soil erosion.
  • Reduce urban noise.
  • Provide homes for birds and other wildlife.

Trees improve our health and welfare.

  • Provide color, form, and texture to naturally soften our cityscape.
  • Beautify, enhance our well being, and reduce stress.
  • Protect us from harmful sun rays.
  • Provide opportunities to nurture nature in urban areas through care and planting.
  • Projects unite neighbors, and foster community pride.
  • Provide cool places for children to play.

Healthy trees make dollars and sense.

  • Planted strategically reduce energy consumption by 15% to 35%.
  • Increase property values as much as 20%
  • Require less water than lawns. Shade reduces water requirements of landscaped plants.
  • Shady sidewalks attract businesses.
  • Planting, care, and management generate jobs in the public and private sectors.
  • Provide a wise investment by increasing in value and provide greater environmental benefits as they mature.